The Air and Space Forces Charity Gala (previously known as the United States Air Force Ball) is an annual fundraiser that was started in 2004. That year, the Air Force Officers’ Spouses’ Club (AFOSC) at Bolling Air Force Base created a special committee to host a charity ball to benefit the Air Force Aid Society (AFAS), the official charity of the United States Air Force.
Since its inception, the gala has generated over $13 million and become one of the largest fundraisers for AFAS.
This remarkable feat is due to the efforts of the Air and Space Forces Charity Gala Committee. Year after year, a talented and energetic group of Air and Space Force spouses bring an extended community of donors and volunteers together to create an unforgettable evening. This year is no exception as we again strive once again to deliver a singular experience that will also make a positive impact in the lives of our Airmen.